samedi 27 décembre 2008
District de Saint-Martin, Fédération des Églises Adventistes du 7e jour de la Guadeloupe
samedi 20 décembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour de Cole Bay, Simpson Bay, Sint-Maarten
samedi 13 décembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Paris-Sud à Paris, France
Il y a donc toujours deux services (sauf en été) :
9h - 11h30 : 1er service (école du sabbat + culte divin)
11h45 - 13h : 2nd service (culte divin uniquement)
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Paris-Sud
130 boulevard de l'Hôpital
75013 Paris
Métro : Place d'Italie (métros 5, 6 ou 7) ou Campo Formio (métro 5)
samedi 6 décembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour de Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
samedi 25 octobre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour d'Orléans, France
samedi 4 octobre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Paris-Est à Paris, France
Adresse temporaire :
Salle Renaissance
12 rue Gutenberg
ZI Les Vignes
93000 Bobigny
samedi 27 septembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Mumbai Central, Inde
Mumbai Central Seventh-day Adventist English Church, India
After one year and half... I'm back to the Central Mumbai Seventh Day Adventist English Church. Some of the members recognized me! I am really satisfied to have been able to keep my promise to be back (you know... "I'll be back"). This time I found the road without map and without getting lost : now I remember exactly the way to go!
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
De retour un et demie presque jour pour jour à l'Église anglophone de Mumbai Central. Et certains membres m'ont reconnu! Je suis vraiment content d'avoir pu tenir ma promesse de revenir. Cette fois-ci j'ai trouvé le chemin sans carte, sans me perdre car je me souvenais exactement de la route !
Le service du sabbat matin se déroule de 9h30 à 12h30 (école du sabbat + culte divin)
Seventh-day Adventist English Church
Post Box 4565
16 Maratha Mandir Marg
Mumbai Central
Mumbai 400 008, Maharashtra
samedi 20 septembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour anglophone de New Delhi, Inde
Today I went to the English speaking church of New Delhi (not so far from Connaught place) in the district of embassies. The church is next to the embassy of Iran. In this complex, there are the church, a primary school and also the siege of the Northern India Union of Seventh-day Adventists. It is a very beautiful building(with a very nice garden).
Here, the community is cosmopolitan for several reasons : we are in New Delhi, capital of India, cosmopolitan city, and it is an English speaking church (the other Adventist temples of the capital are mainly Hindi speaking) so all the foreigners and the Indians which not speaking Hindi meet themselves there. There is, among the foreigners, a strong presence of African (essentially students). Those who look like southeast Asian, are essentially families come from the northeast of India (on the Chinese-Tibetan-Burmese borders). The young people are nice and very opened. After the worship service there is a meal, prepared by the moms of the church : you will be invited, it's for you (visitors, brothers and sisters).
I was happy and delighted to meet Sajin, Kim, Tanja and Bozidar (from Germany), and Denis (from Congo)...
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
samedi 13 septembre 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour d'Agra, Inde
This is the unique Sventh-day Adventist church of the city... but it isn't close to the Taj Mahal (what a pity !). It is a small church with friendly members, in a district far from the tourist paths. I also met young Kenyan students which study computer science in Agra.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 11:00 am (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
samedi 16 août 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour de Pondichéry (centre), Inde
The central Pondy Seventh-day Adventist church is in the ancient White City (the colonial city) also known as "French District" of Pondicherry. It is a complex made of a school (one of the best of the city : every year the pupils are among the best of the State during the examinations) and of a temple situated in the angle of « Rue de l'Évêché »street and Victor Simonel street (the same street as the French high school).
The church is reachable by the Victor Simonel street but, because of the renovation of the church (photo), the worship services takes place in a classroom with an extension in the courtyard of the school (sheltered under a tent). The members are very warm. You will certainly speak with one of the pupils who learns French or then one of the former French soldiers (Indians).
Be not surprised if you note a separation between men / boys and women / girls. We can find women sat by her husbands among the men but rarely the opposite situation.
Notes : the Sabbath school youth class is in English, the Divine service is in Tamil.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
samedi 26 juillet 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour First Ephesus, Hollywood (Florida), États-Unis
This charming small church is one of the numerous of Hollywood (in Florida). It's located in West Park. The members are very warm and always inclined to accept the message. The evening meetings are frequented by some old persons, but the Sabbath services are full : we find all the young people and the adults there.
Today it was the Education day and the gratuated students in 2008 received the congrats from the church members.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
samedi 12 juillet 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Temple 1 à Port-au-Prince, Haïti.
samedi 5 juillet 2008
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Shékinah à Port-au-Prince, Haïti