samedi 24 janvier 2009
Église Adventiste du 7e jour de Tours, France
samedi 10 janvier 2009
Église Adventiste du 7e jour Ephesus de Morne O'Reilly, à Saint-Martin
Proverbs 3:5
Proverbes 3:5
Today I went to " Ephesus - Mount O' Reilly " (I precise Mount O'Reilly to avoid confusion with " Ephesus - Dutch Quarter " on the Dutch side). It's a small english spoken community of the French side. The members are very nice and some of them (who knew me when I was a child and when they used to go at Marigot church) remembered me... when I said to them whom I was!
The current temple is under construction. They meet, since the year 2000, in what will be the entresol when the floor will be ended. To go there, you have to take, on the main road (the Route Nationale), the private road indicated by the panel " Hameau de Rambeau" at the level O' Reilly hill.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
samedi 3 janvier 2009
Église Adventiste du 7e jour de Galisbay, Saint-Martin