Verse of day :
“Always be prepared to give the answer to every-one who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have”
1 Peter 3:15 (New International Version ).
"Soyez toujours prêts à répondre à tous ceux qui vous demandent des explications au sujet de l'espérance qui est en vous."
1 Pierre 3 : 15 (Bible en français courant).
Paris-Filipino Seventh-day Adventist Church, France
This morning I went to the Paris Asian Seventh-day Adventist church, which is exactly the Filipino SDA church. It is a small very warm community. Even when there is an English-speaking Sabbath school class and the Divine service is partially held in English, the main part of the service is in Tagalog (or Filipino) : it's the language spoken by the majority of Filipinos. Today the sermon was held by a Filipino pastor coming from London. As other communities, a "potluck" is organized after the worship.
This community meets in the Lutheran church « Saint-Sauveur », following the example of the other communities who haven't got church.
This Lutheran church possesses a sober interior design and a stained glass in the purified style who remind the simplicity of the Protestant churches of the origins... in a modern version. I like very much.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
salut, je vient de visite cette église. je suis vraiment contant. j'ai apprécie le message du pasteur sur David. 1 samuel 17. un message fort pour les crétines