Verse of the day :
“Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is
good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not
seen God”
3 John 11 (New King James Version)
"Bien-aimé, n'imite pas le mal, mais le bien. Celui qui fait le bien est de Dieu; celui qui fait le mal n'a pas vu Dieu."
3 Jean 11 (Version Louis Segond)
Holloway Seventh-day Adventist Church, London, England
Today it's my birthday ! I decided to enjoy it in London... And you know, as an adventist globe trotter, I cannot go in a new city without visiting his SDA church. This morning I went to the Holloway SDA church in Islington, in London.
It's a big church with a lot of members from West Indies and Africa (a large part of them). The members are sympathetic and after the service, there always is a potluck.
The church it's reachable from Piccadilly Line station Holloway : from the underground station, it's on your left, on the same sidewalk.
It's a big church with a lot of members from West Indies and Africa (a large part of them). The members are sympathetic and after the service, there always is a potluck.
The church it's reachable from Piccadilly Line station Holloway : from the underground station, it's on your left, on the same sidewalk.
The Sabbath day service takes places on the morning from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm (Sabbath School and Divine Service).
Aujourd'hui, pour mon anniversaire, j'ai décidé d'aller (enfin) au temple à Londres... vous savez, la capitale outre-Manche.
Je me suis donc rendu au temple adventiste d'Holloway, sur l'avenue du même nom dans le quartier d'Islington.C'est une grande communauté, composée en grande partie d'afro-caribéens. Les frères et soeurs sont plutôt amicaux et un repas fraternel attend toujours les visiteurs à la fin du culte.
Pour s'y rendre, il suffit de s'arrêter à la station Holloway de la ligne de métro Piccadilly et de redescendre la rue en passant sous le pont de la voie ferrée.
Le service du sabbat matin se déroule de 9h30 à 13h (école du sabbat + culte divin)
Holloway Seventh-day Adventist Church
381 Holloway road
London N7 0RN
Alors comment c'était ???