
samedi 5 septembre 2009

Paris International Seventh-day Adventist Church (PISDAC), France

Verse of the day :

“And this is the confidence which we have in him, that if weask anything according to his will he hears us”

1 John 5:14 - Revised Standard Version

"L'assurance que nous avons auprès de lui, c'est que, si nous demandons quoi que ce soit selon sa volonté, il nous entend."
1 Jean 5.14 - Version Louis Segond

Today it was the "birthday" of Paris International Seventh-day Adventist Church (PISDAC). I didn't know that it was the anniversary of the first worship of the english spoken community, I came accidentaly here this morning (I thank Leslie).
The most beautiful moment was when Jeanne gave her testimony : she discovered the church on this blog ! I'm happy because now I know that this blog can really help people. I thank God for this idea.
I also saw some friends from Paris-Est, Paris-Sud and the friends of my friends from Jamaica, Norway and... Paris.

The Sabbath day service takes place on the morning from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm (Sabbath School and Worship Service).

Paris International Seventh-day Adventist Church
24 rue Pierre Nicole
75005 Paris

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